wtorek, 13 marca 2012

Avril Lavigne You think tekst

I'm not thinking in you

If you can't be bothered

Forget, I'm not too

Ok! Was so goog wake up and have you next to me

Now, this don't think

Why only that girl satisfy you?

Why I'm not good enough for you?

You know who I like ypu

And and, why you swapped me by her?

Guys, anyone can understand!


You think who I just have you to play?

You think which withoyt you I'm nothing in this life?

I give you the time who you want

I give you every the life if you wanna

You died for me!

Don't thin which you pose of big male

Going to make me forgive you

You have to give me a good explanation

To try to convince me or I have to make

One of my prank for you never forget me?

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